So, you're volunteering for Calgary Outdoor Club +More... yay!! Here's some useful information for ongoing reference, or just to get you started when you're a 'newbie'.
Please use the Website User Guide for complete information about how to perform website tasks.
This manual describes the COC policies and procedures but not the website "how to".
Read it all and still have questions? E-mail Julie at
When you become a volunteer with the club, you will be given access to some additional functionality on the website, specifically related to managing your event data.
When you log in to the website, you will notice some new menu options: more options under "Manage Events", plus new menus "Volunteer", "Processes" and "Reports".
New volunteers will have Julie, or one of their designates, as their mentor who will be their first point of contact for questions and assistance as they get ramped up.
If you have 'bonded' with a specific volunteer, let Julie know, and as long as that volunteer is willing,
we will register them on your event as an attendee prior to posting on the calendar.
Your photo and bio - we'll be posting a photo and bio of you on our Volunteers page. You will generally be
asked for a photo and your bio before you get your star. If you want to change your photo or bio at any time, e-mail them in to Julie.
Sorry but you don't have access to change these things directly yourself.
Photo: The photo is important for people to recognize you at an event - especially new people who may still be shy about attending a club event with a
bunch of strangers. Please submit a photo that we can cut a clear, recognizable head-shot from (please don't crop it yourself - people tend to crop a
rectangle, where we need a square). The photo should be in an outdoor setting, and if at all possible, should not include sunglasses,
hats, helmets or anything else that impedes recognition.
Bio: The bio is important for people considering signing up for your event - we try to include information about your coordination style to
help them determine if your events will be a good fit for them. You may write your own bio, or you can answer some questions and Julie will write the
bio (or farm it out). If you'd like to have the bio written for you, send the answers to some/all of the following questions to Julie:
1) How long have you been in Calgary?
2) Where did you live before and what brought you to Calgary?
3) What are your outdoor interests?
4) What are your other interests?
5) What do you do for a living?
6) What kinds of events do you think you'll coordinate for the club?
7) What are your events (e.g., hikes) like as far as pace? Are you a fairweather outdoors person or a determined die-hard?
8) Do you like to explore and go on side trips, or stick closely to your planned itinerary?
9) Anything else you can think of that may help people understand what to expect on one of your events.
Glad you got your star? Would you rather use a different picture instead of a star? Go to the Change Preferences
page to pick a different picture. Don't see what you want on the list? You can send in the one you want to
to get it added to the list. Note that it must: 1) be on a white background 2) scale WAY down so that it is still recognizable at 12x12 pixels
Managing Your Events: You are now responsible for managing your own event data. This includes:
Setting up your new events, and modifying your event details if/when required
Entering write-ups for your events
Setting up your photo albums and attaching them to your events. Note that our photo historian, Duane, can help with any questions,
or with performing these duties for you, although, be aware that their time is limited and the more we do ourselves, the lighter any one volunteer's work load is.
Managing your waiting lists
Maintaining your attendee list after an event is completed