Eiffel Lake & Wenkchemna Pass - Fri, Jul 12 2024

Eiffel Lake & Wenkchemna Pass (7/12/2024)

PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED:Once you've reviewed the event details, and decided you'd like to join us, you MUST sign up at the bottom of this page.You will then make your payment for this event at the venue, NOT in advance to the COC.

You are STRONGLY encouraged to read this page in its entirety before signing up. If you'd like to attend, we ask that you abide by our rules and procedures as a time/cost saving process (with an end result of keeping membership free and lower cost events).

The Basics:
Event Type:Hike
Event Location:Banff National Park (Lake Louise Ski Hill - Shuttle)
Date(s) & Time:Fri, Jul 12 2024  8:00 AM  (Carpool Departure: 6:15 AM   *log in for location*)
Registration Cut Off: Wed, Jul 10 2024 5:00:00 PM
Event Duration:7 hours plus driving and shuttle time
Difficulty Rating:D5: Difficult
Event Coordinator(s): Shelley R
You must be logged in to get the Event Coordinator contact information.
Member Cost:$8.30/Person (See Detailed Cost Info Below)

Participant Info:
Who's Invited: Members Only, 21 And Older Only
Maximum Group Size:10
Maximum No. Guests:0
Minimum Group Size:4
Maximum No. Guests Per Member:0
Number Registered So Far: 11 (Log in to see who's signed up.)
Are Dogs Permitted: No

Distance: 19.4 km
Elevation: 720m (in two chunks mostly)
Pace: moderate but steady (aiming for 4 km/hr flat; 3 km/hr on the hills)

We will park at the Lake Louise Ski Hill where we will catch our 8 a.m. shuttle to Moraine Lake. The hike begins at the lake with a series of switchbacks that climb 375m over 2.4km. Once we reach the junction that connects with the Larch Valley trail, we will take the left fork and head out of the trees. Here we will enjoy the views in the Valley of Ten Peaks as we make our way towards Eiffel Lake.

Eiffel Lake is a very pretty little blue lake that is frequented by hikers (and marmots). It also offers good views of the pass headwall and the trail to come. We will have a short stop here for a snack and photos before beginning the last climb to the pass.

Wenkchemna Pass, at 2611m, is the destination and if the weather is pleasant, our lunch spot. If the winds make it too cool to stop, we'll have a good look, do some photos and then head down to a more sheltered space for our lunch stop. After lunch, we'll return the way we came and catch the shuttle back to our vehicles at the ski hill.

Because this is a long hike and we are using shuttles, we will be aiming for a steady moderate pace to avoid getting back too late. If you prefer a relaxed hike with many stops, or you are a speed demon, this will not be a good fit. There is a 'Tight Groups of 4' Rule in place for this trail, so members must hike close and stay together for the whole duration of the event. No exceptions.

Tickets for the shuttle have been pre- purchased by your coordinator. Please plan to e-transfer the funds upon your registration to secure your spot. If I don't hear from you within 48 hours, I'll move you to a waitlist.

Required Items to Bring:
Hiking shoes / boots
Water (2 - 3 litres min.)
Lunch & Snacks
Layers (incl. gloves / toque)
Rain gear
Parks Canada Pass or $ for a day pass at the gate
Recommended Items to Bring:
Use our Event Checklists to make sure you have everything you need.
Insect repellant
Toilet paper / ziplock bag
Hiking poles
Change of shoes, drink and snack for the car :)

How to Get There:
Event Directions:Follow Hwy 1 west past Banff to Lake Louise. Take the Lake Louise exit and turn right at the lights, following the signs to the ski hill. Park in the designated parking areas and meet the group at the top of the stairs / entrance to the day lodge building. Washrooms are located inside (Ladies= downstairs). We'll head over to the shuttle area together to line up for our bus.
Carpool to Event Distance (round trip):360Km
Carpool Departure Time: 6:15 AM
Carpool Location:   Log in for location
Carpool Directions:   Log in for directions
** Calgary Transit Info
Carpool Cost: Approximate vehicle expense for this event is $115.20 (calculated at total Km * $0.32, effective Saturday, February 8, 2025). This is based on $0.16/Km for maintenance, plus current gas price divide by 9. Alternately your carpool driver may choose to split the maintenance cost plus the actual gas cost among all in the vehicle. Your carpool driver will confirm exactly how much money they require to cover costs. Please split the actual cost among all people in the vehicle.

If you are unable to drive to the carpool, contact the coordinator and I see if you are able to carpool from the city with another member.

Note that COC event coordinators are volunteers and are not trained guides. All participants are responsible for assessing the current road conditions, current weather conditions, current trail conditions for the trip.

- Details of this event are subject to undergo a change at any point in time, with or without warning.
- Notice any errors or problems in the information on this page? Please notify our Content Editor(s), Wendy W and Lynda H., at content@calgaryoutdoorclub.com.

Cost & Payment:
Member Cost:$8.30/Person
Cost Includes:Cost of shuttle bus - payable to your coordinator upon registration.
Make a Payment:Although there is a cost for this event, you do not pay through the COC. Please review the event details carefully for information about how/where to make your payment.

Cancellation/Partial Attendance: